Updated: 1/4/2019 Supported S Semi-Annual Channel SAC Supported Fresh Install Only SF Broad Deployment BD Supported, reference KB S-KB Not Supported NS Windows 10 OS Version: 1607 LTSB (Ent) 1607 CBB (Ent, Pro) 1703 CBB Semi-Annual Channel (broad deployment) (Ent, Pro, Edu) 1709 Semi-Annual Channel (broad deployment) (Ent, Pro, Edu) 1803 Full support 1809 Full […]
This blog post is regarding the correct order of installing/Uninstalling Horizon Agents, Silent Installs/Uninstalls, and enabling FIPS. VMware Horizon Install Sequence Order Installation of various user experience, environment and VDI agents can cause unexpected issues of fail completely if installed in the incorrect order. If you need to upgrade the Horizon View Agent […]
The first step in this process is to install Log Insight Agent on ONE App Volumes Server per instance. 1. From the Log Insight Manager web portal navigate to the top-corner of the page selecting the three lines 2. Select ‘Administration’ 3. Select ‘Agents’ 4. Select the dropdown under ‘Agents’ 5. Select ‘+ NEW […]
Hey all, I wanted to highlight an excellent blog post Mark Ma did about Migrating from a single SQL database with App Volumes to an AlwaysOn solution. With the recent release of App Volumes 2.12, we officially support Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups. SQL AlwaysOn Availability Groups is a great way to provide high […]
When installing a fresh App Volumes Manager, you might receive the error that HTTP port is in-use. Verify services such as Microsoft’s IIS is not running, if it is, remove it. To check what application is using what port on a Windows system execute the following from a command-line: Syntax: Netstat<space>-anob Netstat –anob This will […]
App Volumes Manager logs are growing continuously, after a long while taking up substantial amounts of disk space. App Volumes can be configured to roll the logs after a specified size on disk has been reached. On the manager server: 1) Open C:\Program Files (x86)\CloudVolumes\Manager\config\log4r.yml 2) Find the section output_templates under which standard_output section […]
With the new App Volumes 2.10 release please make sure you uninstall the App Volumes broker service from your Horizon View Connection Server(s). Keeping the broker service enabled after upgrading/installing 2.10 will cause users to have poor performance when logging into their VDI desktops. With the new App Volumes 2.10, you no longer […]
The following is a workaround for when you are impacted by recompose loops in Horizon View and using App Volumes. VMware engineering is aware of this problem and is working on a fix. The issue discovered is when multiple AppStacks are attached to VDI desktops and a recompose is initiated. The timing between when VMDK’s […]
Recently while working onsite with a client I discovered they needed to have local windows accounts created upon AppStack attachment as required by their application. The customer didn’t want go through process of recreating the AppStack to achieve this. I was able to solve this problem by injecting scripts into the VMDK of the AppStack. […]
I wanted to communicate expected behavior when using App Volumes and Persistent desktops. Special thanks to Matthew Mabis for discovering this. When a user logs-off or reboots the VMDK of the AppStacks are detach from the users virtual machine. If you are not using the Writable Volume feature that comes with App Volumes and using […]